Revision as of 09:22, 11 September 2016 by Josef templ (talk | contribs) (Created page with "For logging within the BlackBox framework, in particular the text subsystem, or for logging in very low-level modules the standard BlackBox logging facilities (Log, StdLog) ca...")
For logging within the BlackBox framework, in particular the text subsystem, or for logging in very low-level modules the standard BlackBox logging facilities (Log, StdLog) cannot be used.
The following module 'Console' can be used for that purpose. It attaches a Windows Console window to the BlackBox process and outputs the log to the Console window. In order to make it easy to detect new output it adds a line number at the left.
MODULE Console; IMPORT WinApi, SYSTEM; VAR res, stdOut, lineNr: INTEGER; PROCEDURE String*(IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR line: ARRAY 10000 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN line := SHORT(s); res := WinApi.WriteFile(stdOut, SYSTEM.ADR(line), LEN(line$), NIL, NIL); END String; PROCEDURE IntToString(x: LONGINT; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* copied from Strings *) CONST minLongIntRev = "8085774586302733229"; VAR j, k: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; a: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF x # MIN(LONGINT) THEN IF x < 0 THEN s[0] := "-"; k := 1; x := -x ELSE k := 0 END; j := 0; REPEAT a[j] := CHR(x MOD 10 + ORD("0")); x := x DIV 10; INC(j) UNTIL x = 0 ELSE a := minLongIntRev; s[0] := "-"; k := 1; j := 0; WHILE a[j] # 0X DO INC(j) END END; ASSERT(k + j < LEN(s), 23); REPEAT DEC(j); ch := a[j]; s[k] := ch; INC(k) UNTIL j = 0; s[k] := 0X END IntToString; PROCEDURE Int*(x: INTEGER); VAR str: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; sstr: ARRAY 20 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IntToString(x, str); sstr := SHORT(str); res := WinApi.WriteFile(stdOut, SYSTEM.ADR(sstr), LEN(sstr$), NIL, NIL); END Int; PROCEDURE LogLineNr; BEGIN INC(lineNr); Int(lineNr); String(": ") END LogLineNr; PROCEDURE Ln*(); VAR crlf: ARRAY 2 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN crlf[0] := 0DX; crlf[1] := 0AX; res := WinApi.WriteFile(stdOut, SYSTEM.ADR(crlf), 2, NIL, NIL); LogLineNr END Ln; BEGIN res := WinApi.AllocConsole(); stdOut := WinApi.GetStdHandle(WinApi.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); LogLineNr END Console.